June 10th 2010: The Tropicana for years has been slowly going in to decline which is kind of sad for a hotel that back in the eighties was one of hottest places in town. The new owners of the Tropicana are spending some money to upgrade the place. First of all they have remodeled one of the hotel towers as well as remodeling the pool area.
The front of the Tropicana has new landscaping as well as a long overdue paint job. Inside the casino they have added white marble which has lightened up the casino and, is a big improvement. As you can see from the picture they have also continued the white marble and walls theme on the walkway over the pool area.
This walkway until recently had vendors in small booths selling stuff and, for many years before that used to have birds such as parrots in cages. Overall i do like the changes being made at the Trop although the white maybe needs to be broken up more as you do get a little bit of a feel of a hospital instead of the tropical theme they seem to be going for.

Right now in the casino they are partly done with the remodeling and the comparison between the old and new is amazing, it will be interesting to see what it all looks like when completed.